Crossword clues for sam browne belt
sam browne belt
The Sam Browne belt is a wide belt, usually leather, supported by a narrower strap passing diagonally over the right shoulder. It is most often a part of a military or police uniform.
Usage examples of "sam browne belt".
Swords were not carried except on parade, but an officer would not be caught dead without a Sam Browne belt.
Behind the wheel, the large, slumped figure wearing the Sam Browne belt with the badge on the cross-strap was singing an old song in a tuneless, droning voice: “.
Chief Andrew Rademacher, who really believed he had tried his best to solve the new string of child-murders that had plagued Derry, stood on the porch of his house, thumbs in his Sam Browne belt, looking up at the clouds, and felt the same disquiet.
After that he hung his blouse, hat, Sam Browne belt, and field scarf in a locker and went outside.
Charlie's eyes settled on the officer's Sam Browne belt and brown leather shoes.
He was living in the hotel too, running around all dressed up in an officer's uniform, Sam Browne belt and lieutenant's bars and all.
A pistol was strapped to his Sam Browne belt, and he was wearing reflector sunglasses.
He remembered going there by train that one time in his undress greens with the Sam Browne belt to proclaim his professional identity, and, sure enough, the Italians had liked the United States Marines, like all civilized people.
On a Sam Browne belt a pistol holster hung, and a big silver star was pinned to his shirt at the left breast.
When the Storekeeper First helped Joe into his blouse, expertly buttoning the epaulet over the crosspiece of the Sam Browne belt, the reason why he was being so obliging came out.
Both CIA officers looked up to see a uniformed police officer, a pistol sitting in its holster on his Sam Browne belt.
At either side of a revolving door, a military policeman replete with white helmet, white spats, khaki uniform and Sam Browne belt, scrutinized the arriving guests.
So I stood at the desk until the chief in his military cap and Sam Browne belt looked up.
In addition, the sergeant had an automatic twelve-gauge Greener shotgun and Lothar wore his sidearm on his Sam Browne belt.